An Energy Justice Initiative of River Valley Co-op and Co-op Power bringing 100 low income households solar ownership access and energy savings from the solar array on River Valley Co-op’s Easthampton store.

This has been exciting partnership between three cooperatives in Western Massachusetts - River Valley Co-op, a consumer-owned food co-op, is hosting the solar array. Co-op Power, a consumer-owned energy cooperative, financed and oversaw development of the array, and PV Squared, a worker-owned solar installation cooperative, built the array.


This Energy Justice Initiative will reduce the energy burden for 100 low income households. Low income households pay a much higher percentage of their monthly income for their electricity than other households. People participating in this program will purchase credits from the solar array at a discount that will save them 15% on their electric bill. They also become owner-members of Co-op Power, sharing ownership of Co-op Power’s solar arrays.